Category: Blog

The Gifts of being Old

Now that I’m old:

I can enter any of my previous ages

with the snap of a finger.

One of my favourites is:

“being 5 years old”.

Mind you, I had to do a soul retrieval

to liberate my 5 year old self from a prison

built of fear. But … Read more

The Next Adventure: Being Old

Dear kind man

Who helped me when I was 11 years old and

not speaking a word, not a single word, to anybody

because it would have been a German word

and then they would kill me, said the boy from my orphanage

Who was bald

because they shaved his … Read more

The Next Adventure: Being Old

On my last day in Reykjavik, I shopped for some little gifts. One of them was a card with two pencils 

attached which were in the shape of walking sticks. The card said something about getting old and wise.

I said to the woman behind the counter: Well, I know … Read more

The Next Adventure: Being Old

I am a Force
As fierce as a storm
Blowing away the debris
Left by rotting Egos
Attached to little dreams
And wreaking death
Wherever they alight
Devouring and destroying
And moving on.

I am a Force
Not yet applied
For fear of wreaking havoc
But havoc has been wreaked… Read more



We left Lillykins standing, facing a dragon of strange habits: the breathing of ashes. Whatever, said Lillykins to herself, should I make of this? And can I simply ask the creature what it’s doing and why?

The dragon, meantime, was observing Lillykins with equal fascination. … Read more

The Next Adventure: Being Old


Grey speckled crown
Brown spotted wrinkles
Beak, ever-growing

Turkey neck warbling
Underarms wafting
Midriff creeping
Feet expanding

And all the time, ears sagging
Under the weight of moaning old friends.

And then, one evening
A bright and shiny young thing
In a night club filled with … Read more

The Next Adventure: Being Old

I’m Croning

                        excerpt from my book “Journey”

Don’t bother me with matching threads and buttons
with make-up, manicures or polished silver,
no time for cooking casseroles and sit-down dinner guests
I’m busy, croning.

The dandelions are pretty, are they not?
The hedge is rampant, full of birds
they’re watching me… Read more